Trainings » Our Teachers
Cathi Hight

Whether you need to manage your time better, develop a strategic plan, or set and achieve your goals, Cathi Hight will empower you with the skills you need to move ahead. Cathi enjoys her work, and loves sharing her passion for building successful lives with her students.

A longtime resident of Hawaii with eyes that twinkle, Cathi works with college students, corporations, chambers of commerce and others to improve their relationships and achieve their goals. She enjoys helping people understand their personal ways of working and how it fits with their friends, others on the team, or their organization.

Cathi's fast-paced, hands-on, highly interactive trainings help participants develop confidence in the new skills they practice. She begins her trainings by helping students get clear on where they want to go and what they want to accomplish. Whether they are freshmen needing to manage a heavy schedule, juniors planning a year abroad, or seniors thinking about life after graduation, she shows them how to make a detailed map with specific action steps to help them reach their destination.

Cathi is President of Hight Performance Group, Inc. and a frequent presenter and workshop facilitator at regional conferences. She was a Career Transitions trainer for the U.S. Department of Labor and a Motorola University instructor. Her career experience includes working with the Bank of Hawaii, Meadow Gold Dairy/Borden, Dole Fresh Foods, the Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii and FastTrac. Cathi has lived in Colorado since 1996 with her husband and son and enjoys going back to Hawaii to visit family and friends. She earned her B.S. in Human Development from the University of Hawaii.

Cathi gives Trainings for Learning for Living® in Achieve Your Goals, Time Management, Strategic Planning, Excellence in Leadership, and Managing Meetings.

Students who have taken one of Cathi's Trainings tell us:

天ery well constructed and flowing. Mind opening."

的 was never bored. I felt like the class moved well, and I wanted to keep going! The right amount of time was spent on each thing!"

的t was an intelligent approach to self-improvement as a community which will undoubtedly lead to significant achievements."



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