Trainings » Our Trainings
Plan and Achieve Results

"Shoot For The Moon"
Too often we know what we want to accomplish, but don't know how to turn what we want to accomplish into reality. This dynamic workshop will help you fine-tune your vision, define exactly what you need, and then, guide you through the realistic, action-oriented steps to make sure you achieve your goals. This training will show you how to:

  • Clarify your vision
  • Set doable, realistic action steps and a time schedule to follow through and achieve your goals
  • Identify and avoid obstacles that can block your way to success

This training is taught by Learning for Living® Teachers:

This is one of many possible Trainings in Achieving Your Goals. Each situation is different, so Learning for Living® customizes the Training for every client and all Training participants.

Students tell us:

"Excellent. (The training was) tailored for our group.”

"It was fun. We didn't just talk about what we should do, but actually did things."

"It showed what planning can do." "It gave us an idea of what to look for in the future."


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